Discover the city as an experiential learning resource

The future of Europe is urban! According to UNESCO, in 50 years' time 90% or the world will live in an urban environment. In many parts of Europe this is today a fact. The time is right to start exploring the city and how to use it as a resource in teaching and learning.
The place where we are born, as much as the people we first meet, forms the basis of our own self-image and identity, an essential ingredient in making us who we are. This combination gives us our language or regional dialect, our civic pride, our sense of belonging. People participating in an urban way of life develop ways of reading their city. They ‘feel’ the city. They can feel the city's pulse, read its atmosphere.
Reading the City provides educators with skills and resources that will enable you to investigate Europe through its cities and towns. Exploring a number of aspects of cultural identity and comparing the various identities expressed by other Europeans.
The course and teaching material are directed towards teachers engaged within formal and informal education throughout Europe. A part of the course is dedicated to using the latest mobile technologies in order to bring the classroom outdoors.
The Reading the City Erasmus+ (Erasmus Plus) course is held in several cities and urban centres throughout the EU
Learning Outcomes include the exploration of:
- European identity and citizenship
- Urbanism and learning
- Heritage and the city
- Mobile learning in the city
- Divisions of the city
- Outdoor education
- Practical planning, safety etc for schools
- Validation and assessment
- Barrier-free access for minority groups
- Digital tools for exploring learning in the City
The courses comply fully with the Erasmus+ (Erasmus Plus) European criteria for mobility grants. We provide full modules for preparation, monitoring and validation.
Find out more about who can apply or apply now
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